Editorial Team


Mr. Pravin R. Choube

Assistant Professor, Electrical Engineering Department, Dr. D.Y. Patil Institute of Technology, Pune, M.S., India

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Ripon Hore, PhD

Doctor of Philosophy in Civil Engineering, Senior Assistant Engineer, Local Government Engineering Department (LGED), Dhaka, Bangladesh

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Mr. Ronel S. De Guzman, MSc
Faculty, President Ramon Magsaysay State University, Iba, Zambales, Philippines

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Jayson A. Dela Fuente, PhD

Doctor in Public Administration (DPA), Doctor of Ministry in Christian Leadership (DMin)

Malay College, Aklan, Philippines

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Ezequiel Silver

Chitima Teacher Training Institute, Republic of Malawi


Sharipova Surayyo Burxanovna

Uzbekistan State University of World Languages, Associate Professor of the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology, Doctor of Philosophy in Pedagogical Sciences (PhD), Docent


Eshankulova Dildora Ilkhomovna

PhD (Candidate of Technical Sciences), Chemistry Teacher of the 4th Secondary School of the Bukhara Region, Head of the Methodological Association for Natural Sciences


Turayev Abrar Salohiddinovich

Philosophical Doctor of Political Sciences, Docent of Department of Philosophy, Education and Law Education. Jizzakh State Pedagogical University, Uzbekistan


Mirxonov O'tkir Qaxramonovich

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Technical Sciences, Docent of the Department of Energy Audit, Bukhara Institute of Engineering and Technology, Uzbekistan


Abduraxmanov Muxammadjon Gulomjonovich

Doctor of Philosophy in Philological Sciences (PhD) Namangan State University Uzbekistan


Mirzoyev Narzullo Nuriddinovich

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Technical Sciences, Head of the Department of Energy Audit. Bukhara Institute of Engineering and Technology, Uzbekistan


Isayev Shahbozjon Shavkatjanovich,

Associate Professor, Doctor of Philosophy in Technical Sciences, Namangan Institute of Textile Industry


Ahmadov Hamidulla Ne'matullayevich

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Technical Sciences, Senior Lecturer of the Department of Design and Technology of Leather Goods, Tashkent Textile and Light Industry Institute, Uzbekistan


Umida Mirzarahimovna Maksudova

Doctor of Sciences in Echnics, Professor of the Department of Design and Technology of Leather Goods, Tashkent Textile and Light Industry Institute, Uzbekistan


Mirzayev Nodir Baxodirovich

Doctor of Sciences in Technical Sciences, Docent, Dean of the Faculty of Light Industry and Design, Tashkent Textile and Light Industry Institute, Uzbekistan


Nurov Siroj Sobirovich

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Technical Sciences, Docent of Bukhara institute of Engineering and Technology, Uzbekistan


Kazakova Dilafruz Erkinovna

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Technical Sciences. Docent, Docent of the Department Processing of Textile Products, Jizzakh Polytechnic Institute, Jizzakh, Uzbekistan


Yo'ldoshev Xurshid Xazratqulovich

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Technical Sciences, Docent of the Department Processing of Textile Products, Jizzakh Polytechnic Institute, Jizzakh, Uzbekistan


Ulug'muradov Xamroz Yusuf O'g'li

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Technical Sciences, Assistant of the Department of Natural Fiber and Fabric Processing, Jizzakh Polytechnic Institute, Jizzakh, Uzbekistan


Yulchiev Mashalbek Erkinovich

Head of the Department of Alternative Energy Sources, Andijan Machine Building Institute


Fozilova Odina Nabievna

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Philological Sciences, Senior Lecturer, Fergana State University, Uzbekistan


Qosimov Diyor Nematullayevich

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Technical Sciences, Chief Specialist of the "Credit-Module Sector", Tashkent Textile and Light Industry Institute, Uzbekistan


Alimbayev Erken Sharipovich

Candidate Technical Sciences, Professor, Professor of the Department Processing of Textile Products, Jizzakh Polytechnic Institute, Jizzakh, Uzbekistan


Shamuratova Nodira Shanazarovna

Urganch branch Toshkent Medical Academy, PhD., Department of Internal Medicine, Rehabilitation, Folk Medicine


Olimov Lutfiddin Omanovich,

Professor of Materials Science and New Materials Technology Department, Andijan Machine Building Institute.


Yusupov Konisbay Abilovich

Karakalpak State University Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor



Pazilova Shokhida Abdulbasitovna,

Docent, Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) Pedagogical Sciences, Head of the Department of Natural Sciences of the Academy of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Uzbekistan


Yunusova Gulnoza Abduxalikovna,

Docent, Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) Pedagogical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Natural Sciences of the Academy of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Uzbekistan


Khozhiev Kaim

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Technical Sciences. Associate Professor of the Department "Electrical and Power Engineering" of Bukhara Engineering-Technological Institute of the Republic Uzbekistan.


Shaimatov Babakul

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Technical Sciences. Associate Professor of the Department "Electrical and Power Engineering" of Bukhara Engineering-Technological Institute of the Republic Uzbekistan.


Turdiyev Sardorjon Abdumuminovich,

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Technical Sciences, Associate Professor of Navoi State University of mining and technology


Tashpulatova Makhsuma KHayrulla Qizi

Candidate of Medical Sciences, Senior Researcher, Tashkent State Dental Institute, Uzbekistan.


Xolov Ilhom Abduqayumovich

Associate Professor of the Department of Oil and Gas Processing Facilities of the Tashkent State Technical University named after Islam Karimov, Doctor of Philosophy in Technical Sciences.


Jabbarov Kankel Gulmurodovich

Jizzakh Polytechnic Institute Faculty of Cybershort, The Department of Computer And software Engineering. Doctor in Economics Associate Professor.


Omonova Nargiza Rakhimovna

Assistant (PhD) at the Higher Mathematics Department of the Karshi Engineering-economics Institute, Uzbekistan


Ulashov Ilkhom Akhmadovich

Senior researcher, Laboratory of Helminthology, Veterinary Scientific Research Institute, Taylok region, Samarkand, Uzbekistan


Adilov Nabijon Xursanovich,

PhD, Department of Chemical Technology, Jizzakh Polytechnic Institute, Jizzakh,Uzbekistan


Turakulov Jaxongir Ulugbekovich,

PhD, Department of Chemical Technology, Jizzakh Polytechnic Institute, Jizzakh, Uzbekistan.


Mamatkulov Asilbek Kiryigitovich,

PhD, Department of Chemical Technology, Jizzakh Polytechnic Institute, Jizzakh, Uzbekistan.


Xadjibayev Diyor Asatullayevich,

PhD, Department of Chemical Technology, Jizzakh Polytechnic Institute, Jizzakh, Uzbekistan.


Alisher Khotamov

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Economics, Associate Professor of the Department of Audit, Tashkent State University of Economics, Uzbekistan


Rakhmatullaeva Gulnoza Kutpitdinovna

(MD/PhD), Affiliation; Associate Professor, Department of Department of internal disease №2 with endocrinology, of Tashkent Medical Academy, Tashkent, Uzbekistan


Xakimova Gulshoda Abdusalamovna

Tashkent State Pedagogical University, acting professor of the department “Clinical foundations of special pedagogy”, associate professor, Doctor of Philosophy in Medical Sciences (PhD). Uzbekistan.


Raykhonov Shuhrat Zaripovich,

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Technical Sciences, Head of the Department of Electrical Engineering and Electrical Mechanics at the Almalyk branch of Tashkent State Technical University.


Yuldashev Elmurod Umaraliyevich,

Doctor of philosophy (PhD), Associate Professor of "Mining Electromechanics" Department, Almalyk Branch of Tashkent State Technical University named after Islam Karimov.


Yuldoshov Husniddin Ergashovich,

Doctor of philosophy (PhD) in technical sciences, associate professor of Аlmalyk branch of Tashkent state technical university named after Islam Karimov.


Egamberdiev Ilkhom Pulatovich,

Head of the Department of Localization of Industrial Production, Professor. DSc of Navoi State University of mining and technology


Rashidov Khurshid Karimovich

Associate Professor of the Department of "Social and Humanitarian and Physical Education", Navoi State University of mining and Technology (PhD)


Rustamov Uktam Ikramovich,

PhD Associate Professor, The Department of "Construction and Environmental Engineering", Tashkent University of Architecture and Civil Engineering


Umarova Gulnoza Kudratillayevna

Assistant, Tashkent Pharmaceutical institute. Tashkent, Uzbekistan


Qurbonov Oybek Muhammatqulovich,

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Technical Sciences, Associate Professor of the "Exact, Technical and Natural Sciences" Department of Navoy Innovations University