Working Technology of Local Fertilizer Insertion Device Between Row


  • Murodov Tohir Faxriddin o’g’li Teacher of Bukhara Institute of Natural Resources Management, National Research University "Tashkent Institute of Irrigation and Agricultural Mechanization Engineers"
  • Halimov Tilavjon Azamat o’g’li Teacher of Bukhara Institute of Natural Resources Management, National Research University "Tashkent Institute of Irrigation and Agricultural Mechanization Engineers"
  • Qurboboyev Sindorbek Sarvarbek o’g’li Student of Bukhara Institute of Natural Resources Management, National Research University "Tashkent Institute of Irrigation and Agricultural Mechanization Engineers"
  • Ho’sinov Sarvarbek Norbek o’g’li Student of Bukhara Institute of Natural Resources Management, National Research University "Tashkent Institute of Irrigation and Agricultural Mechanization Engineers"


The article mainly deals with the technology of plant fertilizing machines, i.e., the types of organic and mineral fertilizer application machines, such as hay cultivators, fertilizer seeders, and other modern fertilizing machines. Fertilizer The purpose of weeding is to make the plants grow better and produce a positive change. The operation process of the installation of local fertilizer between the proposed rows.




How to Cite

Murodov Tohir Faxriddin o’g’li, Halimov Tilavjon Azamat o’g’li, Qurboboyev Sindorbek Sarvarbek o’g’li, & Ho’sinov Sarvarbek Norbek o’g’li. (2022). Working Technology of Local Fertilizer Insertion Device Between Row. Neo Science Peer Reviewed Journal, 3, 21–24. Retrieved from


