Neo Science Peer Reviewed Journal <p><strong>Neo Science Peer Reviewed Journal</strong> is an open access journal. This journal publishes the original research articles in multidisciplinary Sciences.</p> <p><strong>Neo Science Peer Reviewed Journal</strong> is an international scientific journal published monthly in electronic form. The journal is open to all young researchers, students, masters, professors and doctoral students, as well as staff of secondary schools.<br />The main purpose of the journal is to acquaint researchers around the world with modern ideas, to revitalize their scientific activities, to increase their scientific prestige and potential, to increase their participation in various innovative researches, to increase the scientific and practical significance of research and disseminate it to the general public.<br />The scope of this journal covers following areas:<br />1. Philological sciences<br />2. Pedagogical sciences<br />3. Social sciences and humanities<br />4. Exact sciences<br />5. Natural sciences<br />6. Economics<br />7. Psychological Sciences<br />8. Arts and Culture<br />9. Medical sciences<br />10.Technical sciences</p> <p><strong>ISSN (Online):</strong> 2949-7701</p> <p><strong>JIF 2024:</strong> 8.365</p> <div class="Categorie"><a href=""><strong>SJIF 2024:</strong> 6.784</a></div> Neo Journals Publishing en-US Neo Science Peer Reviewed Journal 2949-7701 “ELLPSIS, PUN, SUSPENSE” STYLISTIC TRANSFORMATIONS IN TRANSLATION <p>In this article, the questions of stylistic transformations in literary translation are considered. Attention is paid to the ratio of the number of stylistic transformations in translations and their relationship with the adequacy of the translation into Russian. The article presents the results of a comparative analysis of one of the most famous Muriel Spark’s stories “Portobello Road” and two translations of this work. Particular attention is paid to the question of achieving communicative and pragmatic effect of translated texts, a necessary condition of which is the use of stylistic transformations. The novelty of the study is in identification of the most common stylistic transformations in translations used to achieve their adequacy and the original communicative and pragmatic effect of the text by preserving the author’s intention and original style. The relevance of the study is due to the lack of developed methods for determining the communicative and pragmatic effect of translated texts, as well as the task of improving the quality of translations and the need to determine the typical stylistic transformations that determine the pragmatic and aesthetic compliance of translated texts. The classifications of stylistic transformations developed in the theory of translation are given, their comparative analysis is carried out. It is proved that the emotional and expressive vocabulary and the adjectives are stylistically transformed most often, transformations being: replacement (remetaphorization and metonymical transformations) and additions (metaphorization and phraseologization). It is emphasized that they serve to achieve the pragmatic effect of the artwork.</p> Achilov Oybek Rustamovich Abduqodirova Madina Abduqayum qizi Copyright (c) 2024 2024-06-05 2024-06-05 22 1 8 INTERTEXTUALITY AND CULTURAL MEMORY: PHILOLOGICAL APPROACHES TO CLASSICAL LITERATURE <p>This article delves into the intricate relationship between intertextuality and cultural memory in classical literature, employing philological methodologies. Intertextuality, the interconnectedness of literary texts through references and allusions, extends the meaning of individual works by weaving a complex network of associations. Cultural memory encompasses a society's collective remembrance of its history, values, and traditions, often transmitted through literature. By examining how classical texts reference and reinterpret earlier works, this study investigates the role of intertextuality in preserving and transmitting cultural memory. Through a comprehensive literature review and the application of philological techniques, this article aims to enhance our understanding of the dynamic interplay between intertextuality, cultural memory, and classical literature.</p> Ismailov Salaxiddin Ismailovich Copyright (c) 2024 2024-06-24 2024-06-24 22 9 14